Environmental Services   back to Environmental Services

FSA Consulting provides a wide range of environmental services for agricultural, food and industrial enterprises. We can ensure compliance with all regulations and approvals at the lowest possible cost.


Environmental Impact Statements    more info

FSA Consulting has prepared environmental impact statements (EIS) for a wide range of agricultural and other industries. In most cases, we are able to provide all services from within the consultancy thus ensuring a coordinated and complete approach. By working cooperatively with regulatory agencies, FSA Consulting has achieved a proven track record of timely and cost-effective development approvals.

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Soil Surveys    more info

Soil physical and chemical properties play a major role in the success of any agricultural system. An inventory of the soil and land resources for a property can provide data for numerous planning and management purposes. The majority of existing soil data is collected at a regional scale, which means the information will not provide sufficient information for farm scale planning and management. To provide a better understanding of the soil resource, more detailed mapping is essential. FSA Consulting has experienced soil surveyors to undertake site specific soil assessments and/or sampling for your property.

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MEDLI Modelling of Effluent Reuse     more info

Environmental Protection Agencies demand that effluent treatment and irrigation systems be designed for environmental sustainability. This is a complex problem with a multitude of variables and solutions. FSA Consulting uses the MEDLI model to provide alternative solutions.

MEDLI is a daily-time-step hydrological and nutrient simulation model that estimates the quantity and quality of effluent produced by piggeries, sewage treatment plants, abattoirs, food factories, tanneries etc. It then simulates, over extended periods, the hydrological and nutrient balance of connected effluent treatment ponds and irrigation systems. Local daily climatic data (for up to 100 years), effluent stream data and site-specific soils information are input data for the model. MEDLI consists of validated sub-models of crop growth; nutrient, salt and water movement in soils; and groundwater recharge.

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Odour Modelling    more info

FSA Consulting has extensive experience in odour impact assessment for presentation to the various assessing authorities. We can assist you with our working knowledge of each state’s regulations, and vast knowledge of odour generation, emission and dispersion processes from our involvement in current odour research.

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Environmental Management Plans    more info

All licences issued by Environmental Protection Agencies require the development of various management plans (stormwater management, irrigation management, solid waste management). FSA Consulting has prepared over 160 management plans of various types and for various industries.


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Environmental Training    more info

In conjunction with Australian Pork Limited, FSA Consulting has developed a series of environmental training courses for piggery managers. Similar courses are being developed for the poultry industry.

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Abattoir Irrigation Management Plans    more info

Environmental Protection Agencies are paying closer attention to abattoirs and other food industries. FSA Consulting has undertaken reviews of current effluent treatment and irrigation systems for a range of these industries and proposed improved Irrigation Management Plans including monitoring and reporting schedules.


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Effluent Pond Lining    more info

Regulatory authorities require effluent ponds to be lined to ensure that there is no chance of nutrients seeping into the groundwater. FSA Consulting can provide alternative designs for lining effluent ponds and can certify dam lining.

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Composting    more info

FSA Consulting is experienced in dealing with compost and developing composting facilities. We can help you with:

  • Understanding the composting process
  • Site layout and design
  • Environmental Management Systems
  • Procedure Manuals
  • Quality Assurance System

Go see our FactSheets on Composting

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Environmental Monitoring    more info

FSA Consulting has qualified and experienced staff that know what sampling and testing is required to meet your Environmental Licence conditions. We will provide the results in a professionally bound document for presentation to the relevant authority. We can also assist you with addressing any environmental problems that may be revealed from the testing.

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