Victorian Code of Practice - Piggeries back to Pigs projects
The Department of Primary Industries, Victoria has commissioned FSA Consulting to revise and update the Draft Code of Practice Piggeries (2000) (Exhibited Code). This was released for public exhibition and comment from November 2000 to January 2001. The Exhibited Code was developed to replace the existing Code of Practice Piggeries (1992). The objective of the project is to finalise the current draft, ready for inclusion in the Victoria Planning Provisions as an incorporated document.
The public exhibition of the document raised a number of issues. The Advisory Committee for the Draft Code collated these issues, and other outstanding matters relating to the Exhibited Code. From the outstanding issues of the Draft Code, the major technical matters relate to by-product re-use (particularly phosphorus) and odour. These two aspects are dealt with in two separate discussion papers:
- By-product re-use discussion paper
- Separation distances diccussion paper.
For more information on this code upgrade contact:
Robyn Tucker - Email:
Eugene McGahan - Email: