In the past, the Australian Pork Limited (APL) has funded research into piggery odours. However, this research has not been as successful as possible. As a consequence APL (formerly PRDC) funded FSA to complete a review of the research to date, as well as a comprehensive review of pig odour research. This project was conducted in 1999 and consisted of two components:
Download Part A Revision (2,990 kb) Download Part B (1164kb)

The Database on Odour Research and Emission Rates included a review of the relevant literature and a rating system was applied to all the information collected to filter out the useful information that could be used in odour modelling impact assessment. The Summary of Preferred Emission Reduction Strategies included a review of alternatives from Australia and overseas and the isolation of strategies applicable to Australia . The potential benefits of these strategies were quantified using odour modelling. The information generated from the original project has been widely used in the assessment of many piggery developments in Australia .
Since this review there has been more research both in Australia and overseas on odour emission rates from piggeries. This has included further work funded by APL and private companies on emissions from piggery sheds and ponds, quantifying modelled downwind impact and methods for reducing odour generation. There has also been significant work conducted in Europe on emissions from various pig facilities and some work in the US on emissions from sheds and ponds. There have also been further developments in Europe on defining impact criteria to be used in assessment.
Since the initial study in 1999, there is now a new Australian Standard (AS4323.3) for collecting, analysing and reporting odours. This standard is based on the European TC264 standard. Also, since the initial study, an upgrade of AUSPLUME has been issued. AUSPLUME remains the preferred air dispersion model for environmental regulators in Australia . The most important change in the latest release of AUSPLUME is the ability to read in an odour emission file that can vary odour emissions on an hourly basis. The previous limitations on odour emission characterisation were a key factor in the conclusions and recommendations made in the 1999 report.
The project reviewed the most recent information and research on odour emissions and provided suggested emission rates in the new Australian Standard for use in the assessment of odour impact from proposed new and expanding piggery developments. The project considered the application of odour modelling to piggeries for the assessment of off-site odour impacts, and particularly the emissions information available for undertaking such modelling. Piggery odour emissions data from Australia and overseas was reviewed and standard emission rates applicable to modern piggeries were recommended. A process for undertaking piggery odour impact assessment was also provided.
The piggery odour emissions database originally developed by FSA Consulting was upgraded with the new information.
Also FSA Consulting staff prepared two papers for a national odour workshop held in Sydney by APL.
A copy of the Final Reports are available from:
Australian Pork Limited, Deakin West ACT 2600
Phone: | Fax: |
Quote the Project Reference Numbers:
2003 Review.