Intensive Livestock Projects
Pigs : Feedlots : Dairy : Poultry
Environmental Management Plans Training  back to Pigs projects

Australian Pork Limited (APL) commissioned FSA Consulting to produce training materials that would enable pork producers to develop their own Environmental Management Plan.

Draft versions of training materials for delivery during a two-day, practical, competency-based workshop were provided to APL. These training materials were subsequently trialed with two groups - one at Toowoomba (QLD) and one at Albury (NSW). The groups comprised producers from QLD, NSW, VIC and SA plus regulators and extension staff (task 2). A report on this task was provided to APL in November, 2001. Feedback obtained through running the workshops was used to refine, edit and layout the workbook master copies for the facilitator and producer (task 3).

Robyn Tucker and Eugene McGahan have conducted a number of workshops across Australia for Piggery Managers using this training package.

The Training Package is titled "Environmental Management Plans for Piggeries".

For more information on this Training Package contact:

Australian Pork Limited, Deakin West ACT 2600

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Robyn Tucker

FSA Consulting

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